It's pretty detailed and has a whole section about asset standards. Full view of RPG Maker MV - Character 07 (Battle). You can find this type of stuff out by just pressing F1 while you've got RPG Maker open, and checking the help file. As long as you keep that in mind, and keep the file structured properly, you can make your sprites any size. So it will assume that the width of each sprite is the total width of the file divided by 12, and it will assume that the height of each sprite is the total height divided by 8. If you *don't* have a '$' in front of the file name, then the engine will assume that the sheet has 96 images (in a 8 x 12 grid). So just make sure that your sprite sheet can be evenly divided into a 4 x 3 grid, and then your sprite size can be whatever you want.
It will assume that the width of each sprite is the width of the file divided by 3, and it will assume that the height of your sprite is the height of the file divided by 4. If the filename of your sprite sheet starts with a '$', then the engine will assume that sheet contains 12 images (4 rows with 3 columns). There is no limit to the size of the sprite.