Am really devastated how such a simple task has to be so time-consuming and so difficult to achieve. I post the 'transparent' logo on another image and it still has the rectangular white background. Adobe PhotoShops licensing can get annoying and tricky, but in the long run, based on Adobe PhotoShops extensive history, its the go to product for editing. It seems simple, but it fails to create a gif that has transparent background. Adobe PhotoShop stacks up well against most other products such as Corel PaintShop Pro. I took every single step with evaluation versions of GIMP, and Paint Shop Pro as per the following instructions (I made sure I followed everything that he suggests): I also tried to 'strip' his own smiley (provided on that page) off the blue colour and failed as well. I check colours and it says it has 63 or 64 colours. All done in black ink and white background everywhere.
The logo is round seal with two circles inside of each other, and some text within and then a picture in the center.
I've spent several days trying to figure out how to make simple black-and-white seal logo become transparent (lose background) to be able to 'stamp' it on pictures as 'signature'.